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Tree Trimming and Free Mulch

A little over a week ago, the Ruby Forest HOA had a tree service on site to prune dead branches and raise the lower canopy on a number of trees in the Ruby Forest Common Areas. This event was part of a greater effort by the Ruby Forest Grounds Committee to both beautify the common areas and to make them safer for our residents.

Additionally, we were able to address some some recent concerns that were issued to the RFHOA by the Gwinnett County School System. Gwinnett County had identified a handful of trees on private property in our neighborhood that are close to the road and did not provide adequate branch clearance to the school buses that service our neighborhood.

As part of the service, we had the tree crew dump the resultant mulch near the gazebo at the front entrance. We are planning on using this mulch to help revitalize the green space around the gazebo. Unfortunately, we were not present when they returned to dump the mulch, so the pile is not exactly in the area we requested. In fact, it is now blocking the service road to the AT&T substation to the North of our entrance.

We would like to offer this mulch to our local residents to top dress their flower beds and gardens. You can reach the pile by driving down the semi-gravel road just to the right of the main entrance. Please dig your mulch from the left side of the pile that is currently on the road. As you can see from the photos below, the pile is big so there is plenty for everyone. The better mulch is toward the center left and back left of the pile.


P.O. Box 367
Suwanee, GA 30024



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(678) 310-7829

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