Fun Fridays @ The Forest
With Stay-at-Home orders keeping most of our residents in the neighborhood this spring, we have decided to try to help break the monotony by launching a series of fun activities every Friday. Keeping social distancing considerations in mind, we have a number of ideas that might give the community something new to try and inspire their creativity, while staying safe from harm.
To start the series, we though it would be a good time to take advantage of the wonderful spring weather by suggesting an interesting outdoor activity. Below is a link to a Wild Birds of Ruby Forest Checklist that can be used as a beginners guide to the colorful array of avian creatures in and around our neighborhood. Perhaps to put up a bird feeder or to take a walk in the park to search for these sometimes elusive animals.
Hopefully this activity will inspire you to get out of the house more or give the kids something to do away from a computer screen. This just a sample of what you might see. Who will be the first to find all 25?
The full checklist in PDF format can be downloaded here.
To get started, there are some hints on where you might see most of the species. For example, some birds like bird feeders while some prefer to stay in the trees. If you find something interesting, or a bird not on the list, and want to share your photos, we can post them to our Facebook page. Feel free to submit them to