Ruby Forest Email Group
Due to a change in policy at Yahoo, we can no longer moderate content on the Yahoo Email List used by the Ruby Forest Homeowners Association. Unfortunately, this has the direct result of causing potential harm to the members of the group via viruses, spam, and unregulated adult content. As a result, we will be migrating to use a fully moderated Google Group for future Ruby Forest email communications. This transition will occur over the next six weeks with a target completion at end of May 2020. By the close of that month, the Yahoo Group will be targeted for termination.
Joining this Google Group does require a registered Google Account. This is a similar restriction that was imposed on the old Yahoo Group if you remember. Therefore, we cannot just migrate the old Yahoo Group email addresses to the new Google Group. We are sorry if this causes any undo hardship to our residents, but in order to use the Google services we were required to adhere to their policy restrictions.
Users will have to apply for membership to join the new Google Group. The link to apply appears below:
We will be repeating this notification weekly for the next 6 weeks. All RFHOA communications will be mirrored on both lists during this time. If you are confident that you have migrated your email subscription successfully, feel free to remove yourself from the old Yahoo Group.
Just like the Yahoo Group, you will be able to post messages to the new Google Group using the address -
If you have any questions or need help, please contact: